Exclude files from scan :
Sometimes, you will need to whitelist files from a scan, clamscan offers the --exclude option but its usage is not really user-friendly...
Imagine that you need to exclude two files /data/rep/file1 and /data/rep2/file2, the command line would be :
# clamscan -r -i --exclude=/data/rep/file1 --exclude=/data/rep2/file2
This is fine if you have few files to whitelist but it quickly becomes unreadable when you have dozen files and directories.
The solution is to input a file to clamscan with xargs. Create a text file containing all files/directories you need to whiltelist (one file/directory per line) :
# cat /var/lib/clamav/whitelist-files.txt
You can also add regexp like *.mp3 (be aware that this is quite dangerous)
Run clamscan with the following command :
# sed -e 's/^/--exclude=/' /var/lib/clamav/whitelist-files.txt | xargs clamscan -r -i /directory_to_scan/
Don't forget to put double quotes or escape when you exclude paths with special characters (especially spaces).
Last but not least,
always double check that the files you're whitelisting are completely safe. You can check that out with a meta AV engine like Jotti :
Whitelist a virus signature :
To whitelist a virus a signature, you need to get the ClamAV signature definition, this is the code you have on the right side of the infected file line. For example :
/data/file.flv: CVE_2012_0773-2 FOUND
In this case the signature definition is CVE_2012_0773-2, add it to
That's all ! Be very cautious when whitelisting Virus signatures.
Hope that helps !